About Misbourne

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Hi and Welcome to Misbourne. If you have never heard of Misbourne and don’t know anything about Scouting this part of the site will give you a few clues! If you still have questions then you are welcome to contact us and ask us any questions you may have.

We are a Explorer Scouts and we enjoy getting outdoors and doing what appeals to us at the time. The unit has been in existence since the 60’s and we were “one of the pioneers of modern venture scouting” – in other words we used the rules to our advantage and everyone else saw what we were doing and followed suit – anyway, more about this is explained in the history section. Officially we are an “Explorer Sea Scout unit”, based in the Chiltern North District of Buckinghamshire. But this is more or less irrelevant as we don’t really like the name and so became just “Misbourne Unit” when the Scout Association told us that we could no longer be Venture Scouts.

We used to meet three times a fortnight throughout the year and had two types of meeting; a formal meeting, where uniform is required, and a non-formal meeting where we relax, play a few rounds of pool and just chill out. However, we are now SO BIG that we have become a flexi-unit and we now meet formally 48 weeks of the year and informally 3 out of 4 Fridays. We are homeless so where we meet varies a lot but wherever it is and whatever we are doing, one thing is certain: we will be Loud, Proud, and enjoying ourselves.

There is a lot more about the unit on all of the pages in this section. Have a look around. You can see all the unit’s current members on the members page, which has lots of really bad photos of everyone!